70% less cost for paper, printing, shipping and storage
Fast documents processing and sending
Convenient and simple web version - anyone will understand!
An electronic archive of all documents in the cloud or on your server
Online control of document status (delivered, signed)
Free technical support 24/7
Signing of documents with MSign state electronic signature
Electronic documents signed with MSign's electronic signature are as powerful as paper counterparts. To work with the service requires a verified electronic signature (MSign). It is also necessary for signing tax reports. Most directors and accountants of the company have such a signature. If you do not have a MSign signature yet, our managers will tell you how to get it.
Why an electronic document exchange is needed?
Environmentally friendly
By signing documents electronically you save natural resources
Your documents are stored on your server and only you have access to them
Reduces risks
COVID-19 is transmitted through paper and pens. By reducing external contact you reduce the risk of infection
Sequence of signing
Now you can specify in what order you want to sign documents
Identity verification
You can specify the person's IDNP and only he will be able to sign the document
Integration with 1C
Upload documents for signing immediately from your accounting system
Document Availability 24/7
Documents can be viewed at any time, anywhere where there is Internet access, and from any device: from a computer, smartphone or tablet.
Electronic document management allows you to save not only money, but also time
Cloud solution
Convenient for small and medium businesses
Only 500 lei / month
Up to 50 users. Unlimited electronic document exchange. An electronic archive of all documents on your server.
Boxed version
Convenient for large business
A turnkey solution for your business on your server. With the possibility of individual completion.
Fără niciun dubiu, anul 2020 poate fi caracterizat printr-un singur cuvânt: transformare. În această perioadă toți și-au dat seama cât e de important să ai instrumente viabile și eficiente ca să poți dirija o afacere.
Pentru că această transformare ne-a afectat pe toți: personal și la nivel de instituții în care activăm, în acest an compania Moldcell a lansat serviciul M-DOC – o platformă digitală ce permite schimbul de documente electronice și semnarea acestora cu partenerii și clienții săi.
De acum înainte, clienții Moldcell vor putea utiliza acest serviciu care cu siguranță le va ușura activitatea și le va aduce eficiență atât în timp cât și în resurse.
Stela Chitoroagă
Director Clienți Corporativi, Moldcell
Благодаря ID.md мы смогли не только наладить работу подразделений, но и ускорили подписание документов с нашими партнерами. Надеемся на дальнейшее развитие системы и на помощь команды ID.md.
Ионица Сергей
Director General, "Lapmol SRL"
M-DOC: - Salvează timpul de procesare a actelor de la 8 la 1 oră; - Economisește timpul Agentului de vînzări și a clientului evitând deplasarea semnarea actelor; - Reducere riscul pierderii actelor, acestea ajungând automat în arhivă; - Contribuie la protejarea mediului prin diminuarea cantității de hârtie utilizată.
Platforma este utilă în transmiterea documentelor ce țin de resurse umane şi rezolvă anumite probleme esențiale precum semnarea în termeni a tututor actelor, într-un mod rapid şi simplu, precum şi permite stocarea lor şi revenirea la actele semnate oricând este necesar.
Tatiana Surduleac
Specialist Resurse Umane, Moldcell
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
➥ What is an electronic signature?
An electronic signature is a signature used electronically and protected by a cryptographic method used as a signatory authentication method. Thanks to electronic signatures, an economic agent can not only sign electronic documents but also make remote requests for certain services, which are usually only available with a physical presence and identity card.
➥ How to get an electronic signature?
To obtain a mobile electronic signature, you need to contact the mobile operators MoldCell or Orange For USB token - in STISC (signature.md), For an e-newsletter - in ASP.
➥ How can I check documents with electronic signature?
The government system (MSign) - msign.gov.md - is used for verification, and a secure and flexible mechanism for authenticating electronic signatures to users is used
➥ Does the electronic signature have the same legal validity as a standard signature?
Electronic signature, including mobile, has the same legal significance and power as a simple signature. In accordance with the law (article 13 p. (1)
Act 91 of May 29, 2014 on electronic signature and electronic document "Electronic document signed by a qualified improved electronic signature is equated after its action to an analog paper document signed by its own signature" and according to paragraph (8) "The electronic document is equivalent in its toe value to written evidence or material means of proof. An electronic document cannot be rejected because it has an electronic form)
➥ What are the advantages of electronic paperwork?
Time savings - the entire exchange of documents takes place electronically and in a matter of seconds.
Saving physical space and reducing the depreciation of equipment, as all the work is carried out on the Internet and there is no need to duplicate everything on paper.
Improving the transparency of the internal work of the company, managers will always be able to see who and when sent the documents.
Maintaining the history of each file, now you can see the status of the signed document.
More flexibility with regard to the location of employees, the most important thing is access to the Internet.
Improve the security of information and documents because every shipment is encrypted from hacking.
Reduce printing, envelope, and forwarding costs because the exchange occurs by sending a message.
➥ What tasks and functions does id.md perform?
Through the personal office of the ID.md you can not only send documents for signature, but also create a signing order, monitor the status of signing, and archive documents. You will always have access to documents, from any device, from anywhere in the world.
ID.md Allow you to save time, place to store documents, improve the efficiency of managers.
➥ What formats can I sign?
You can sign documents for the following formats: pdf, .doc, .docx, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .xls, .xlsx, .xml If you sign documents in pdf format: your electronic signature is sewn into the document. If you sign documents in the format of .doc, .docx, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .xls, .xlsx, .xml: then your electronic signature on download will go separately.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us